vrijdag 6 juni 2008

Tilda & Friends ATC Challenge: Sunshine

Het regent hier al dagen, dus de sunshine is ver te zoeken. Er zijn maar 2 voordelen aan dit weer, je hoeft de planten niet water te geven, en je kan lekker binnenblijven om kaartjes te maken ... Vandaar mijn ATC

Its raining for days over here, so I had to look for some sunshine. There are two things good about ths weather; you dont have to water the plants and you can stay inside to make some cards. Well, thats why my ATC has the watercan ...

4 opmerkingen:

Vali zei

Very beautiful ATC with bright colors ! Very great work !

Annie zei

great take on the sunshine challenge and I love the little watering-can! thanks for joining in the fun with us this week. annie x

Paul zei

Great ATC - very different interpretation

~* Jay Jay *~ zei

How cute! I love it!